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How I Won a WWDC Scholarship

Posted 5 years ago

I’ve been developing iOS apps on and off for about three and a half years now, and recently started a co-op work term as an iOS developer for TripAdvisor (see here for more on my move to Boston!). But last night, for the first time, I received news that I was fortunate enough to receive a student scholarship to attend Apple’s WWDC this year in San Jose, California. Attending WWDC has been something on my bucket list probably since the time I started getting interest in programming, so to receive the opportunity means a whole lot to me. I’d definitely like to thank Ben Emdon, a WWDC scholarship winner himself, for giving me the push that I needed to apply. Read more…

A New Chapter

Posted 5 years ago

Since I moved to the city at the age of four, I have never spent more than two weeks at a time away from Ottawa. On January 2nd, 2019, I moved to Boston to begin a four month internship with TripAdvisor at their headquarters. Needless to say, this is a pretty big step for me, and writing about my impressions and experiences in depth will give me the opportunity to reflect on the changes I will have gone through, both as a person and as a developer. Read more…

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