Past Projects


Plant Care iOS App

Droplet is a plant care app, helping you keep track of when you need to water or fertilize your plants. It offers a beautiful, elegant, and powerful plant care experience, designed from the ground up to help you keep your plants alive.

I began working on Droplet during WWDC 2019, as I was looking for a project to try out some of the brand new APIs that were launching that year. I took a break when returning to university, but completed the project just before I began working at Apple.

App StoreWeb
Two iPhones displaying the Droplet app. The one on the left shows a collection of all of the plants in the hosuehold, highlighting those that need care today at the top. The one on the right shows details about a specific plant, including a photo, a description, and a watering/fertilizing schedule.

Carleton University SSSC App

Science Student Success Centre Companion iOS App

As a mentor at Carleton’s Science Student Success Centre (SSSC) and a member of the Computer Science team, one of my tasks was to develop a mobile application for the centre. The app displayed all of the centre’s upcoming events (with optional pre-event notifications), provided students with quick access to the centre’s Resources page, and offered a full-fledged assignment tracker and grade calculator.

There were two components: a Swift-based mobile front-end that displayed information to the user, and a Node.js server that provided an API that the app could use to retrieve event-related information.

GithubApp Store
A screenshot of the app on an iPad in portrait orientation. The left column shows a list of upcoming events, and the right column shows details for the selected event.


WWDC 2019 Scholarship Winner

Originally named Twister, I wrote this game as my application for Apple’s 2019 WWDC scholarship competition. I made it over the course of 10 days, incorporating various technologies and frameworks for the first time in any of my projects, including Swift Playgrounds, SpriteKit, and AVFoundation.

I was fortunate enough to be selected by Apple as a winner, and was able to attend WWDC 2019 in San Jose, California! Over the course of five days I attended various workshops and networked with app developers from around the world. In the months following, I also took a bit of time to convert it into a full-fledged iOS app.

GithubApp StoreWeb
A recording of some Cyclo gameplay, being played on an iPad in the Playgrounds app (which I used to write the game).


News Article Political Classifier

As the final project in my Intelligent Web-based Information Systems course, we were given the freedom to explore a project topic of our choosing, as long as it integrated the course contents. My friend and I built Wing It, a web application that could determine the political leaning of a given news article through content analysis. In addition, the application recommended articles concerning similar topics from left-leaning, centrist, and right-leaning news sources.

We used a range of technologies and algorithms to complete this project including Jersey, MongoDB, crawler4j, Naive Bayes analysis, and more.

A web page showing the political leaning of a news article. The top of the page shows the URL of the news article in question, the middle shows a gauge and some  text indicating the article is left-leaning, and the bottom shows suggested similar articles from left-leaning, centrist, and right-leaning news sources.

Quests of the Round Table

Classic Card Game Turned Digital

This project was a collaboration between myself and three classmates for one of my courses, Object-Oriented Software Engineering. In this card game turned digital, players vie to become the winner (Knight of the Round Table) by completing quests, participating in tournaments, and more.

I taught myself Unity and C# for the purpose of this project. In addition, as the class was focussed on the use of design patterns, I integrated several patterns including Mediator, Strategy, etc.

A digital representation of a board game. Cards shown on the board include those used in a quest, those in the player’s hand, a draw pile, and a discard pile.

Created with Ignite